April 26, 2024

Spring Sunset...

This was the sky outside the restaurant as I left on Tuesday evening. The place where we gathered is at the south end of Lake Winnebago. If you aren't familiar with Wisconsin, just look at the map and you'll see that large lake in the east central portion of the state. That's Lake Winnebago, and the place I call my hometown is Fond du Lac (French for "foot of the lake"), located right at that end of the lake.

This photograph is unretouched, and I can tell you it really doesn't do justice to what I actually saw. It was raining to the east (behind me), and there was a rainbow there, while this magnificent spring sunset was laid out in front of me. The wind was blowing waves onto the shoreline and it was a fitting end to a night with friends.

My hands are still sore, so no new embroidery updates. These darn arthritic thumbs! Don't they know I have things to do? I hope some of you are managing to get a little needle dancing into your day. As for me, I'll try again today.

April 25, 2024

My Latest Project...

I haven't worked on it since last week, but this is my latest work in progress. My idea is to recreate the corgi on my "For The Love Of A Corgi" logo. I would have loved to work on it yesterday, but weather changes are wreaking havoc with my hands, so I just did other things.

I'm hoping to sit down to this again today. As it's "in progress" and a new concept, I may change things as I go (like the nose placement perhaps a teeny bit lower, and wait until the face is done to add the mouth), so we'll just see where this ends up.

I'm missing Tag a lot these days, so maybe working on this project will help me feel better. Couldn't hurt, right? 

April 24, 2024

Dinner With Friends...

I worked from 10-4 yesterday and then motivated over to a local restaurant for dinner with friends. This is the same group that worked tirelessly to host a fabulous 50th class reunion last summer. 

We rekindled our friendships - made new ones - and we all came to the conclusion that we need to see each other more often than we have in the past. We had a great time chatting about how we kept busy this winter, shared (more than) a few laughs, and have already picked a date next month to reconvene. 

I have to giggle when I look at this photo. Our friend, Mary hates having her photo taken, so she fairly hides when the camera comes out. If I'd notice this during the process, I would have probably said something, but I didn't this time, so I'll share my thoughts with you.

It doesn't matter if you're large or small, old or young, healthy or not. Photographs are the way that future generations will know we existed. A picture is a true snapshot of our lives at that instant the shutter closes. It's a recording of who we were right then.

My friends, please don't shy away from the camera. Embrace your place in history. Let your loved ones look back on your life through the images that live on after we're gone.

"Here endeth the lesson". I can hardly wait until next month, when we do this again, and next time, I'm going to stand next to Mary and prop her up if I have to. She's beautiful - inside and out - and I'm going to try to convince her she needs to radiate that out into the world.